2 Player Fighting Game

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2 Player Fighting Game

2 Player Fighting Game
Release Date: 2003-12-13[1]
Project Status: Abandoned
Latest Version: 0.1
Developer(s): Eigen Lenk
Publisher: Eigen Lenk
Designer(s): Eigen Lenk
Source Available:  No
Category: Game
Type: Mini Game
Genre: Action
Theme(s): Fighting
Engine: SCI0
Platform: MS-DOS
Localization: English
Website: www.hot.ee/alpond/index2.htm (web archive)


Eigen Lenk's 2 Player Fighting Game is a SCI0 action game.

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Game Game Version Interpreter Version Date
2 Player Fighting Game 0.1 0.000.572 2003





Eigen wrote:

This is an SCI fighting game. It's just a test at the moment. You can fight with your friend.

I was working on a fight engine for Jummybummy 2 and thought, "hey, I should make it into a seperate game" And so I did. Here's 2 Player Fighting Game. It's in very early stage at the moment. Next version should have punch power level, and possibility to fight against the computer. For controls, check Readme file. Ideas, suggestions are welcome.

Get it at: http://www.hot.ee/alpond Under Download


  • A friend to fight against

Where to Get It




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