Said() Strings and the Use of Articles
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It is wise to take into account articles when creating said strings. Consider all the different ways that a user could might communicate the command give the pig the mirror to the parser.
// Matches: 'give pig mirror' & 'give the pig mirror'
// Ignores: 'give pig the mirror'
Print("Output A")
// Matches: 'give pig the mirror' & 'give the pig the mirror'
// Ignores: 'give pig mirror' & 'give the pig mirror'
Print("Output B")
// Combining the 2 gives you a wider input range
// Matches all inputs specified above...
(if(Said('give/pig<mirror') or Said('give/pig/mirror'))
Print("Output C")
As you can see, the first 2 code blocks behave quite differently when the 'the' article is specified, however the 3rd covers all the test cases.